Breeder rearing robot “MAG by AgrobitFarm”


  • Base on poultry standarts staff of 11 employees performs manual chicken sorting and reweighting in order to ensure the uniformity.
  • There are human biorisks and human errors.  
  • Human time should be optimized where robots could be used.

Solution: “MAG” by AgrobitFarm

  • Reduces the number of employees needed for the process to 6-8.
  • Decrease biorisks.
  • Provides accurate actual data of poultry house chicken weights.

Economical benefits

Direct cost saving

approx. 5 less employees needed for the sorting.*

* – This optimalization was reach by one of our client who used BAT scales before.


30 000 EUR/year

INDIrect cost saving

Biorisks reduction (less human-chicken contacts)

Error reduction (automatic weight and count)

Authentic data on every chicken weight

The market of solutions for poultry automatised weightings and sorting:

Grady 4000


Symple select





Compare with other platforms


Device MAG Grady 4000 Symple select Heidy
Sizes. l/w/h, mm 980/560/1320 2213/1408/1488 1800/1725/800 500/500/1400
Weight, kg 63 330 73 43
Nominal capacity, heads/hour 2700 3700 2600 850
Sorting type Gravity + electrical motors Conveyor + electrical motors Conveyor + Pneumatic system Gravity + pneumatic system
Actual capacity, heads/hour * 1000 No data 1000-1200 850
Price, EUR 45 000 150 000* 45 000 30 000*
Origin Europe Europe Europe/USA Europe
Delivery times, days 60-90 90-180 90-180 90-180
* – Data based on our own analisys

Key features

Mobility and compact size

2 persons can easily move the robot.

No pneumatics component, no conveyor

Less complexity means more reliablity and predictibility.

Touch panel and integrated CPU

In place and remotely management of data genetated by the robot.

Technical specification

Target Automatic deboning and reweighting of broiler and egg poultry breeds.
Dimensions (l/w/h), weight 980 х 560 х 1320 mm, 63 kg.
Configuration Horizon level sensors for the weight platform, industrial
computer with a hard drive, a touch screen control, a WIFI
module, a USB output; extension legs for large poultry
Software Proprietary control server: parameter control module,
current and final data display, 2 working modes: «sorting»
and «reweighing», controlling chicken escapement
channels; generation of final reports, archiving and
transmission of data in text, tabular and specific formats.
Functionality Chicken sorting by 4 categories, Coefficient of variation and uniformity calculation (CV and UNI).
Power supply and maintenance 220V power supply, protection level of the device – IP55.
Exploitation Standard conditions for poultry housing and
administrative buildings. Warranty support for 2 years,
including software upgrade.


Our IT specialists handle the software`s issues remotely.

Our engineers repair the hardware complications in place by visiting poultry farms.

Contact us